Individual Medical Schools

july 02, 2024

To support you in preparing for questions relating to your chosen medical school, this section provides specific information relating to individual medical schools, including:

  • Teaching Overview – highlighting the teaching methods, the planned clinical contact and if the medical school offers dissection and/or prosection. 
  • Teaching Hospitals/Clinical Partnerships – outlining any teaching hospitals the medical school lists as using/partnering with.   
  • Extracurricular/Additional Opportunities – including opportunities for Student Selected Components (SSCs), elective projects and intercalated degrees. 
  • Selling Points – any additional selling points of the medical school, which may be helpful when discussing your reasons for wanting to study there, including any additional entry routes to medicine they offer, such as graduate entry or a foundation year. 
  • Interview Information – including the type of interview used and any additional information about the interview format or the marking criteria used. 

All information provided is correct for 2025 entry and has been sourced from the individual medical schools’ websites, all of which are linked in the relevant sections, should you wish to research them further.

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